

Drowning in my Country
You possess intellectual powers
But your facticity disables you.
You rise everyday with hope
But the economy dashes it away.
Everyday you fight to stay afloat
But the poor infrastructure drowns
You deep into the ocean of nothingness.

Your strength is used up in wailing,
Happiness soaked in misery.
All effort wasted and thrown into
The dustbin of bad economy.
I'm drilled dry by hunger;
I'm a human stockfish.
I'm a young plant fading in the wilderness.

My mind and idea has been
Placed on a barren economy.
All I do wither away as though
I'm toiling and tilling in the desert.
My life in Nigeria is nothing but
Swimming in the ocean of depression
And struggling to stay afloat

© Okon Ukeme Cornelius Dominic
© Okon Ukeme Cornelius Dominic (WordChef_baker)