

A particular color
In the realm of vibrant hues, let me sing
Of a color that evokes joy and gentle spring.
Azure, oh azure, the sky's serene embrace,
A shade that paints tranquility upon space.

Like the endless ocean's shimmering expanse,
You captivate with your cool and calming dance.
A symphony of blues, deep and pristine,
Azure, you paint the canvas of a dream.

In the daylight's glow, you're a sky's caress,
A color that whispers of serenity, no less.
Above us, your canopy spreads wide and far,
A refuge for dreamers beneath your celestial star.

When twilight descends and stars ignite,
You deepen, transform into a velvety night.
Azure, you become a tapestry of dreams,
Where moonlight weaves enchantment, it seems.

From mountain peaks to oceans wide,
You grace the Earth with beauty, undenied.
You color blossoms with delicate grace,
Azure, the touch of heaven upon nature's face.

Oh, azure, you inspire with boundless skies,
Reflecting hope in the depths of our eyes.
Your calm presence offers solace and peace,
A reminder of life's quiet release.

So, let us celebrate your tranquil hue,
Azure, the color that remains ever true.
In your embrace, we find solace and light,
A hue that lifts our spirits to new heights.
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