

the forbidden
a brainwash of acceptance,
yet to be avoided as rejected.
the point of truth struck with imbalance,
and choices made out of what's injected.

usually followed for accordance,
but done in secret as non committed.
a practice seen as a social menace,
therefore abhorred and not to be sighted.

verily an idea of observance,
as it's left in the mind as non initiated.
a universal notion for non performance,
but assigned in all to be rejected.

unseen is it's proof of compliance,
but it's deeper in sense as permitted,
it's conformity breeds a severe disturbance,
hence enforced to be ommitted.

only the liberal sees this bearance,
as a means for good as emulated.
truly a way to instill values of tolerance
and a curb for ill practices undiluted

better to Analyze with relevance,
than to criticize with dominance.
life's essence are clearer with an instance,
even as it's lessons differ by distance.

© leo chinedu Mandah