

Merry April fools
In the merry month of April, what a sight to behold,
When fools come out, their antics bold!
With wacky pranks and jokes galore,
They'll leave you rolling on the floor.

A rubber chicken in the fridge, a classic surprise,
Or maybe a fake bug that suddenly flies.
They'll switch the salt for sugar, oh what a twist,
And watch you take that unsuspecting first sip!

But fear not, dear friends, it's all in good fun,
The April fools are here, so let's all run!
For in this day of laughter and jest,
We'll giggle, snort, and maybe even jest.

So join the fun, don't be a bore,
Let's laugh and play, and then some more!
For in the end, it's all a game,
And April fools are never to blame!