

Dangers of War
War! War!! War!!!, they cry
Let us declare war
Ignorance has eaten them up
If only they know what they are doing, let them trace their roots to their fathers: whom dreadful pointy sharp iron pierced through their hanging chest and sounds and noise of boots running and gushing of blood laid them to eternal rest.

Let them ask what bore witness that day that is still living till today: The air, sand, sky and the sun.

I won't blame their foolishness and ignorance, their parents did not tell them, neither did they understand but now I have told them, it is their fate
I will turn to my fate, if you are wise seek advice from those who were before you came, those whom their journey never ended in a warm cozy hospital bed neither did it end in a death bed where they said their last words and bade their children goodbye but ended on a naked soil while people ran across their lifeless body seeking their own safety.

War! War!! War!!! they cry
Let us declare war;
Bullet killed our fathers and echoes and blast of thundering bombs but Oh look how ignorance will be the reason for your death.

#Don't be in a haste to fight
sometimes it does not end peacefully#
#Favour Chukwulo#
© #FavourChukwulo#