

Feminine Stalker
Sometimes, someone any were,
Any place, anytime, anything would blink within a bloom,

Greens great son's stone runes through the heart, along the pathway moved away,

Later, or betterment,
The worthless pain,
Was depth inside,

So weak,full of rust,
Smiled hell wasteful,
Dark web,
Welled with wrecked ball,

Contentmenated with your lovly thrust,
Touched wound dint even thoughful evosion, ebon mist likely,

Similarly Zay would come to suck you at night,
Dawn 5 o'clock am,
Ròsex coloured salmon fish,

Peel off perfection,
Peeled ironstone forked upper limit,
Yew provide me,
Egositic evolved with vivid
Bards they just black blued in,
Blue's in blur'd vintage's home loan
Interested in wellfare woe I,

People's chain, on the desk, utopian,
Zeith bent over backwards,
Sliver slix slick lunged A's creed,
Cry Crux cared fructose corn in bread,
Dex either way,
Away Away,
Always away a toll,
Tilted with Tooter,
Fliex and void
Good afternoon I'm
Droughts, scam stalked by

Being able too deep intoxicated
Void cheque book hopefully,
More than myself,
Saddest thrust thoughts for a period I
Extraction that extracted from Zay

Say a little more,
Have a cup of tea for a while, go to malls buy ,(x)

Make a sweat wine,
Fore a glass of milky blood
I screamed

Zay wants more I decrease
The reduction of pain and juvensence
Contracted with thrusty ironist dusyky flow above the ganster,
Gagman you for check mate cue,

Gargle the thrill in the carnel forsake glob,
I musted with balancing act +(ion)-

Glob in heavenly sunlight,
Forsake your inner tuberculosis
Cut down throat,
Don't tarry,
A little
Slottering tardy for a minus in mistry
Sweat gland grudge against the hot water,
Tube and fro,
Replaced in myself,

Timdy a little good cream in you,
Screw the rod in
Ride the nebulated nibbled
Sacred the reducted Moon
Frost upon your Milky waist
Graped the sketch,
With salted butter
Honey cream inside,
Hot Bummer out (sided)

Berry a little,
I like your smoothies
Smooched the hot man hurdle in through (out)
Good Moarn in Glob
Chew the red reduce eminese with whinier sun in white (flu)
I tilled and wilted you
The brass the undergry sea down the throat kernel upon my ministy (flu)

Big deleted molted break the bridge of breast
Twisted shawls dazzles with Zay,
Liberty's carnel flukes with your watery mountain,
Traces with your dark black loops straggled on you,
That does an unlamented crack,
The biting fire slottred with heating hestical sessions in,

Training the (flu), someday to be a (BADMAN)

Mammals in enternity gloomy glance
Shit with lights bulbs knocking at you
Feminine staked,
Tackling good
Reproductive center vents with (You)

(・∀・) 🧡 🧡
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🧡🧡 🧡LxTo
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