

Lost Of Warfare
In sadness deep, my words confined,
A tale of loss, so simple and kind,
A father gone, forever and true,
Heartache consuming, our world askew.

Oh, dear dad, strong and true,
Your absence now, a darkened hue,
Picnics and laughter, a distant dream,
Grief's grip tightens, tearing at the seam.

War's call took you away from sight,
Leaving us in patches of eternal night,
Words of duty, piercing our souls,
Leaving emptiness, filling gaping holes.

In sleepless nights, your memory clings,
Whispers of joy, in secret it sings,
Once our rock, our guide and support,
Now silence reigns, leaving us distraught.

Oh, how I yearn to show my love,
In warm embraces, skies high above,
But fate tore us asunder, unfair divide,
Leaving broken pieces, sorrow we cannot hide.

Each night, my mother's tears do fall,
Grief's heavy burden, enveloping all,
For you, dear dad, her love remains true,
In her pain, sorrow's river she wades through.

Resting in unknown fields, forever unknown,
Your spirit lingers, though far you've flown,
In cherished memories, we seek solace so,
But the ache and yearning will never let go.

So here's a simple verse, written with care,
A lament for you, dad, lost in warfare,
With each tear and prayer, our love unfurled,
In this grieving world, you'll always be our world.

© Dominic Kyeremanteng