

Echoes of love
In the end, it was just me and my thoughts,
A painful trap, long after you were gone,
Echoes of your laughter, haunting my mind,
Memories of your touch, so tender and kind.

I wander through days, lost in a daze,
Longing for your presence, in so many ways,
But you've moved on, to a distant place,
Leaving me here, in this empty space.

I try to escape, from this cycle of pain,
But the heartache lingers, like a relentless chain,
Alone with my thoughts, in the silence of night,
Yearning for solace, seeking a light.

Yet through the darkness, a glimmer appears,
A spark of hope, to calm my fears,
I'll cherish the moments, we once shared,
And find peace in knowing, that love still cared.

So I'll hold onto memories, both bitter and sweet,
As I journey through sorrow, towards joy's heartbeat,
In the end, it's just me and my thoughts,
But I'll find my way back, no matter the knots.
© Boris Chianimbong