

Unknown depths
The winds moves and folds ,
Time too erodes with the layers of sand slipping beneath the feet.
White horses chasing unwanted strides , the white fog layering the tides.
The sun magnificent, the waters taking its reflection to shine,
Brighter than the brightest star, darker than the loneliest nights.
Voices heard , mysteries are felt ,
Unknown depths , a world unseen.
Sitting by the beach side,people draining their emotions into a bottle of wine.
Drunk in the shades of the sunset, eyes shining in the sunrise.
Salt pierces the eyesight , indicates the depths are forbidden , but heart won't stop and it wants more, to see the beauty of the trench.
But with beauty comes the beast , the highest of tides hitting , lights turning , laughter heard.
Such can be diabolic life, the unwanted wishes , the loveliest deaths.
Such can be the serenity of the sea.

_____the end_____

© Frozen Words