

Her Love..
Why does the heart of a woman
Burn for one man
Yet not another?...
What moves her to choose him
But not he...
To be her sacred lover?

What is that spark
What is that fire
What is that smouldering
Divine desire?...

There are certain moments
Where her world stops still
An eternal breath
A dream fulfilled

For however long
However brief
However high
However deep...

Where a woman feels
Stripped naked
In the presence of a man...


Truth exposed
Innocence quivering

Her body untouched
Her dress in place
Her lips unkissed
Her guard unfazed

A frequency felt
A whisper heard
A tremor sent
A secret burnt

That heart to heart recognition
Words un-needing to be said
Where the flames of holy love
Are risen...

Pure reflections of herself

For when she sees a part of her
In a masculine shape and form
In the mirror of another
In the eyes of a lover...

In this loss of her mind
In that collapse of all time...

The sacred fires ignite
The gates of Heaven melt
And the embers are kept burning...

By the God spark we have felt