

aren't u scared?
Aren't you scared? Many people would be. This type of thing is hard and it doesn't always pay off immediately. I searched for forever it seemed like. I read, researched, and did all the assignments. Still nothing was paying off. I'm not sure what happened, but this feeling took me over and I became consumed by his love. His fatal attraction reeled me in and pulled me by the hair. I didn't have any control over it or wanted any, as I think about it, I think I really liked it. I liked the feeling of taking someone's hand and letting them lead me. Either way I figured If it didn't work I could escape from the big bad wolf. This time was a bit different and it just felt right every part felt right. Even the parts that were hard to see the outcome. Not sure but after a while instinct kicked in and I was able to go with the flow. I stopped resisting and started to surrender to this grandiose love affair. I was brought to tears with such intense emotions at time it was hard to breath. My heart always spoke louder than my my mind and lead the way. I believe in his love for me I see myself so different now, I am not that same person he knew, I am not that same women living in my parents home, but I am this newly constructed person that no longer wants to play by the rules. I made my own rules and followed them. This love I speak about is what kept me for almost a century now, and counting, I just had no way of knowing what it was. Gratitude is spewing from my bones and traveling through the air, knowing that I am sooo loved and cared for. I am sure about one thing is that our unity will last for centuries to come. so you ask me if I am scared? sure am! but I am going to do it ANYWAY. "for my love"
© d.s. Everest