

Am standing at the window,
Looking out to the beautiful snow,
Trees covered in white,
It's very cold that I shiver terribly,
A smile creeps to my thin sad lips,
I can only smile because I forgot how to laugh.

He took care of all my travelling requirements,
He said it was because he cared and was only doing what God wants.
The memories of my crying mother creeps back to my eyes,
My daughter,I love you.

I had to go work and take care of them.
Carrying a nylon with my small possession at my side,I kissed her goodbye and entered the jeep.
We are running late my dear,That was the last friendly sentence he ever said to me.

Get back to your work, stupid nigga!
I drop back to the wet stained floor and continue scrubbing.
I have been here since four o'clock,when I was instructed to be waking at.
I will one day get back to Mama with alot of money like I promised her.
One day, I will get to hear the sound of my laughter again!

© Leen Queen.

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