

I'd rather be alone
One major problem of opening up to people ,

Is that people take advantage of your humanity, love
The problem with me is that when I love someone,

I become their comfort zone
I love them for who they are

I appreciate what they give
To only find out that they come to me

When they're sad, hurt
When they need a should to cry on

I'm too considerate on their feelings and forget that I'm a human too
But when I'm sad,hurt they're nowhere to be found

And guess what..
I end up getting hurt

I'd rather be a weirdo,loner,a snob
As long as I'm by myself

As long as I understand what's going on around me
I really value ,appreciate my personal space

And not anyone can do anything about it
People come and go as they like

People step on and off when they like
I'm tired of being a doormat

I'm tired of being dirty ,muddy everyday
Stop invading my personal space,

If you know you're going to leave me in pieces not in peace
I'd rather be alone

Than keeping people who pretend to like me
Now,it's me,myself and I against the world

Please respect that
I understand myself clearly when I'm alone

I find peace when I'm alone
I'm able to breathe when I'm alone

If you can't live with that then
It's your problem

I'd rather be weird
for my own good

To protect my heart
Also to keep my love to myself

Some people are not for keeps