

even though i am grown
like i wished for so long ago
there are still seeds of my girlhood
that blossom in my adult life

while my younger self is now dead
and her dreams buried deep
now i can barely remember her
but she is still here

she lives through my joy,
when i watch the sun set a beautiful pink
when i hear the whispers of the leaves
she is ever-curious, always musing

she still holds me up when i can't
like she always used to do
i had a lot more courage and strength
before i was battered by the outside world

she lives on through my whimsy,
my creativity,
from fighting the air with sticks
to pouring my soul onto the page

yes, i think she's still here
and if she is, i want to tell her
maybe it's not going to be okay
but you will survive.

to that little girl
who was so proud and brave
who wasn't afraid to be herself
who loved unconditionally without fear

i'm sorry that i treated you
the way i did,
and i'm sorry the world hated you
for being too much

to that little girl
who asked her mother
"how can i stop feeling?"
i'm sorry--

those feelings won't go away.
but they will get better
and we will grow;
like we always wanted to.


© Frankie