

I'm tired
I'm tired of the arguments
The misunderstood
Not being heard
I'm tired of it all
Of the emotional issues
The baggage in my closet
I'm just sick of it
No one said life was so infuriating
So tiring all the time
I would have oft out of it
Stopped from the beginning
What's the point of it
I dont understand anymore
I dont think I ever understood
This is just not for me
I dont know how to do this
I've tried
I'm still trying
Now I'm done
Now I'm tired of trying
I'm tired of putting in effort
I'm just tired of it all
I would say that this is being me again
But it's worse than that
Worse than trying to figure out me
I used to joke that I was a supernatural
They are so cool
I want to be one
At least I know more about them
I dont understand humans
I dont get being human
Why is being human so hard
I'm not even good at it
I'm done with it
I wish I could be something different
I doubt that would help though
I have a lot of pent up issues
Issues with no outlet
Just stuck
I feel like I'm trapped
And no matter what I do I'm just stuck
No one hears me, no one listens
I'm just tired of it all
What do you do when you're tired of everything
What happens next
I wish I knew
Because I'm tired of everything
Of being human
Of being me
Of living
I'm sick of being unhappy
Of crying
Of the internal pain
The constant battle with myself
I'm tired of it
All of this is exhausting
Dealing with all this is truly depleting
And now my energy has depleted
I would care less about any and everything
But I cant
No matter how tired I am
How exhausted and depleted I feel
Life doesn't care
Society doesn't care
No one cares
Sometimes I go back
Back to those dark days
Just to think, think about everything
Sometimes old thoughts come back
Bad thoughts, harmful thoughts
I sometimes want to end it all
Just leave forever
Even if it doesn't help anyone
But that's tiring to
Everything is exhausting
© orchi1987

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