

What a Pit bull fight brings to light
Easter Sunday pleasantries
wife and I out walking the dog
on a leash in the street
passing a neighbor who’s welcoming in family friends
next thing you know
Pit bull escapes, pit bull attacks!

Targetting our dog
plowing through me
with Bullish bellicosity
disrupting our
afternoon tranquility

our Aussiedor’s thick mane
protects him from harm
but the stress of the attack
cramps my chest and left arm

Sleepless night with chest pains radiating
I wake up my wife and we both agree
let’s go to the ER (emergency room)
and see what they see

Hospital checks things out
heart appears in good health
but the doc does say
we found a lumpy mass below the belt

So this is my message
if the body is saying
somethings not right
go to the professionals
they’ll shed new insight

Stay safe and healthy my friends
and avoid pit bull fights