

Rhyme of melancholy!
Tears dripping down the cheeks,
Washing away the distress,
Which would have reached the peak,
If not get a vent to flow like this...

The little drops from eyes,
Carries a lot of burden,
Of the pain which I felt all these days,
From which I can't run.

The disease with no cure,
Carrying me towards my final abode,
I know your love had the cure,
But I lost you by making you goad.

You cared, you suffered,
You made me feel your Love,
But I was afraid of the thought of loosing you,
And I can't forgive myself now.

I hurted your little heart,
But the intentions were pure...
Your unconditional love made me sick,
Now I want you back for sure.

You were my aid, you were my care,
You were the only cure, of the disease unaware.
The grief is killing me from inside,
And I left with no one to share,
No guardian, no friend,
And Now I'm afraid how this story gonna end.

Difficult words to understand...

Goad: (verb) Making someone angry and intentionally making them hate you... by words or deeds.

Grief: Pain of loosing someone.

© Brave soul