

Short on Time.
These days I feel like a time hoarder, maybe it's just me but the days seem shorter and shorter, the hours on the clock steadily fly by, today it's February, this time tomorrow July, seems like only yesterday I was just in my teens but I don't feel like a kid anymore and I'm not even sure what that means, in my wildest dreams I couldn't facilitate a lifetime moving so fast, how quickly time changes the future to our present then the present to our past, and as your past grows your future gets smaller, time has you around the throat like a turtle neck collar, and every second it's tightening it's grip, till it's the end of the road hope you had a nice trip, no flip of the hour glass restarting the sands, there's no second chances when your storybook ends, time just keeps moving forward faster and faster, ill-fated, like some impending disaster, no one can run, no one can hide, if the past teaches one thing, the people of past have all died, so I'm presently not wasting time worrying about the past only chasing the future for as long as this blink of an eye lifetime may last.

© Xplicit Kontent