

#Unequal Me!!!
They give me examples of many,
some are younger,
few are older than me.

I also appreciate and admire the good quality, I notice
wish to learn the same,
Never I thought and never I did.

Isolating myself from others,
definitely not feeling boycotted,
but emotionless,
Not caring about how they are feeling.

Every new second I m being someone lonely to me,
Sharing the same feelings, same thoughts,
over and over again,
makes me feel bored,
No benefit in questioning myself,
Why there is not someone special to me??

Either I will have to change myself or they will,
m sure they won't, so also why I will?? 😄
breaking the thoughts of confused soul,
or not someone special,


Just in a flow I wrote this 😅..
for no reason but because of many, 😆
But do comment what you felt while reading this and after reading this?? 😃

© Greedy_for_Love