

Poetry is my life
Days after days, nights after nights
And years after years, lonely I traveled
Looking for excitement to forgone my solitude
But delusional my travails yielded.

Though alive, a fugitive I lived within
As humanity steals away my joy
Then in my deepest thought I fell asleep
A gleam of beauty I saw, moving towards me.

In my curiosity I exclaimed "who are you!?"
As she walks towards my embrace and hug,
Handling to me a mouse, ink and paper
She told me to note down her name, POETRY.

Now though lonely POETRY gives me smile
In my poor solitude, POETRY consoles me
Now I found a reason to smile and be happy
As my new life is boldly engraved with POETRY.

#poetrylovers 🤗
© Dum Simon Delox