

your candlelit eyes
keep getting more dim
something in the way
you say you're okay
gave me a feeling
that almost felt grim
from where I'm not sure
but I caught a glimpse

of a life where your presence
is something I reminisce
the comfort I find in your voice
I'm finding in your pictures
I'm trying to be strong
hold it together
so you don't have to
I'm sorry
that's something I can't do

I hold your hand
tighter than ever before
hoping it would say
all that my shaky voice could not
I want to tell you
it's a better place
but I can't bring myself to believe it
for surely the best place
is here
with us.
maybe it's one of those
necessary lies
maybe if I say it enough
I'll find the strength to try

I thought the darkness had its epitome
I thought when you came in
on the shoulders of sobbing men
I'd never feel lower
I was wrong
for the only sight worse
than the flowers
spelling out your name
is your empty chair
seeing the space you used to take up
knowing you should be there
but you're not
and that
right there.
that's the thought
the one that keeps me up at night
because your smile
shined so bright
and I can't sleep
without my nightlight.
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