

Ode' To My Inner Child!
Dear inner child,

I'm sorry that I let you down
That I forgot your dreams and joy
That I ignored your voice and needs
That I became someone else's toy

I'm sorry that I lost your spark
That I traded it for a shoulder to lean on
That I settled for less than you deserve
That I never heard "I'm proud of you" from anyone

I'm sorry that I hurt your heart
That I buried it under layers of pain
That I silenced it with fear and doubt
That I left it somewhere between the skies and the land

But I want you to know that I still love you
That I miss you more than words can say
That I need you more than ever now
That I hope you can forgive me someday

Please don't give up on me, inner child
Please don't lose your faith and hope
Please don't let go of your magic and wonder
Please don't let me go

You are the best part of me,
You are the reason I'm alive
You are the source of my strength and courage
You are the one who makes me thrive

So let's reconnect once for last
Let's heal our wounds and mend our bond
Let's rediscover our passion and purpose
Let's create a new world that we both love

With all my love,
Your grown-up self
© Inaya

#WritcoQuote #writco #Love&love #Life&Life #Shayari #poem #innerchild
#inspirational #Ancient