

My Crush & his Gaze👀

When all was lost, i found you
When all went blur, i saw your face
I never looked at you for a full minute,
but i always told myself that i liked you

I remembered the time when you bypassed me
I saw your back, but never made you stop
You were like the cold stream of water
That made its way into my heart.

I suppressed myself and all my thoughts
Just to see your single glimpse;
i never left that road
All was lost, but you were there

Now when i think about those days
I know i was wrong
I never told you and i never will
That there was a girl who always watched your back

I never told you and i never will
That there was someone who loved your gestures
That there was someone who went numb, whenever walked past her
That there was someone who loved you with all her heart

P.S (A little from my heart. Whenever i think about him or in other words my crush, my life feel surreal. I never got to see his face and i did had the chance, but never had the courage. I just know his name till now and years have past. I never find anyone so appealing as him and probably he doesn't know that there was a girl who always watched his back secretly and i will never tell him because i don't know where he is. So, yeah this is me being timid and shy🙂)

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