

Black in white clothing
I should have known
the way your eyes shone like a fiery furnace
I should have known you were the devil's apprentice
probably the devil himself
with your fingernails like claws
and your forehead the shape of horns
and those big hands that you used in holding my throat while I almost suffocated.

you seemed like a gentleman at first sight
but you were just a devil in cheap white clothing
you told me sweet words with your deep bass voice, and I couldn't hold myself any longer
I threw myself at you at the slightest chance you gave me, and you didn't hold back

I should have known it was all a game to you
all you did was toy with my emotions
you used me, you monster
you tore my clothes the times you had your way with me, and I ended up walking away half naked

but woe to this body
this body of mine
which still lusts after you
after your torturous touch
I still feel your tongue over my clit
how you flick it with your tongue and make my body dance to your tune

I can't stop myself from holding unto the memories of you
you wicked soul
how you tortured me into doing your will
bending me over to your satisfaction
how you make me cry out with pleasure.
