

RED (#34)
In the splendid world of colors, so fair,
A moment captures our gaze with a unique flair.

Red, the color of love and passionate embrace,
Hearts racing, caught in a rapid pace.

A fire within, radiant and bold,
Igniting life's spark, forever to hold.

Red, the color of blood, profound and intense,
A mighty river flowing, immense.

The red rose, tender and pure it blooms,
Love's symbol, consuming hearts in its plumes.

Red, the color of seduction and desire,
Awakening senses with a passionate fire.

The red carpet, a promise of glamour and fame,
Words fade away, no riches to claim.

Red, the color of power and might,
Standing in the spotlight, eloquent and bright.
Yet red bears a dark side, fierce and untamed,
Anger and fury that cannot be restrained.

Red, the color of battle and pain's toll,
A storm threatening peace, taking its role.

Red, the sunset's hue on the horizon's brink,
A natural spectacle, hearts rewarded with a wink.

The warm breath of evening, glowing red,
Radiant as a painting, shining ahead.

The fiery temperament that lies within,
Strength and energy, urging us to win.

Red, the color of courage and conviction's might,
We fight, we conquer, with devotion alight.

The red light that beckons us to pause,
A moment of stillness before the world thaws.

Red, the color of patience and plea to halt,
A moment of reflection, before breaking free from fault.

The red card that calls us to order and heed,
A sign of boundaries, a prompt to pay heed.

Red, the color of warning and insight,
We learn, we grow, in wisdom's pure light.

The red flag that startles the charging bull,
A storm of passion, unyielding and full.

Red, the color of rebellion and strife,
We resist, we transform, with conviction's life.

So many nuances does red unfold,
From warmth to coldness, from new to old.

Red, the color that guides our emotions deep,
In every aspect, vibrant and unique.

Let us explore what red bestows,
The depth and diversity within its prose.

Red, the color that unites and ties,
In every aspect, vibrant and alive.

© Max von der Heydt. All rights Reserved.