

The Song of Hope
In the darkest hour, a glimmer of light,
A beacon of hope, shining ever so bright,
Amidst the trials, it whispers its tune,
In the heart of despair, it arrives all too soon.

Hope, the eternal flame that flickers on,
In the face of adversity, it stands strong,
A melody of resilience, in times of despair,
In the depths of anguish, it's always there.

Through the storms, it weaves its thread,
A promise of better days ahead,
In the silence, it sings its sweet refrain,
In moments of doubt, it eases the pain.

Hope, the unwavering force that guides,
In its embrace, all fears subside,
A symphony of faith, in the face of strife,
In the song of hope, we find renewed life.
© Badmask

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