

For Shilluk People's (Well Known Tribe)
In a land far away, a tale unfolds,
Of a soul burdened with stories untold.
Chollo man, oh chollo man, his heart so heavy,
A life marked by sorrow, eternally unsteady.

Born into a world, where prejudice reigns,
His skin painted brown, with invisible chains.
Judged for his color, shunned for his race,
Chollo man walks in a perpetual haze.

In his eyes, a glimpse of forgotten dreams,
Crushed by society's merciless schemes.
Aching with longing, for acceptance and love,
Chollo man seeks solace, high above.

Through the streets he wanders, a lone silhouette,
Wearing his pain like an ill-fitting cassette.
In each step he takes, echoes of despair,
Invisible wounds, seeping through the air.

Rejected and neglected, by a world so cruel,
Chollo man battles, heart battered, like a duel.
Yet, within his soul, resilience prevails,
A flame that flickers, refusing to fail.

Oh chollo man, your tears may flow,
But within your spirit, strength does grow.
May the world awaken, to see your worth,
Embrace your spirit, give love its birth.

Though your journey seems endless, filled with strife,
Know that within you lies a spark of life.
Chollo man, let your sorrow ignite change,
As the world listens, it's time to rearrange.

For in sadness, a power resides,
To break down barriers, where hope coincides.
May your story inspire, hearts to empathize,
To stand against injustice, and discrimination's ties.

Chollo man, your pain will not be in vain,
Your spirit, your truth, shall forever remain.
In our collective struggle, let justice prevail,
May your sadness transform into a triumphant tale.

© Enoch #authentic @Writco