

a ghost and a baby
an arm barred to cut my breath to take
a motion quick and then to break
triangulate and then to suffocate
a look to speak a reason
tap for every given season
there might never be an answer
for the questions that we hold inside
we might never make the cut
or evacuate the bits we hide
I'm alone and it's a truth in fact
the place where I reside in tact
in this matter I ingest
from their darkness i am blessed
a broken body such crooked joints
disjointed as they intersect
perspective is dependent on the low prospect
value is subjective and can be said to be that which we protect
I'll come back for her
late nights spent laughing
a ghost and a baby giggling away
she may not have had the words yet
but she was surely able to convey
the spaces in between what all we could possibly say
she won't remember
but it will remember her in all the important ways
i will engrave and imprint to her soul the very same as she lives in me
she stays
like another heart
she beats to a rhythm that moves me
it's art
and we are one
one spirit who none could ever part.

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