

Dreams And Night
At night when I lay in bed,
As I drift towards my sleep,
When the eve becomes shadowy red,
My slumber has begun deep,

As I lay,
In bed at night,

Chasing sheep,
Until I sleep,

The sky,
Turns a dazzling sight,

And my dreams,
Become more deep.

The world,
Around me melts away,

As I plunge,
Into my dreams,

The stars,
Above dance and play,

And the moon's tender light,

I'm lost,
In a world of wonder,

Anything can unfold,

A place,
Where sparks and snow,

Are nothing,
To be fearful of or cold.

As I drift off,
Into the night,

And my mind,
Begins to soar,

I know that everything,
Will be alright,

And I'll find,
My way back to the shore.

In this world,
Of dreams,

Anything is astounding,

I am free,
To adventure,

And let my mind,
Be bounding.

The stars above,
Are my companions,

As I voyage,
Through the night,

And the moon's tender,

Is my lantern of bliss,
And delight.

I am lost,
In a world of wonder,

Anything can unfold,

A place where,
Sparks and snow,

Are nothing,
To be fearful of or cold.

As I drift off,
Into the night,

And my mind,
Begins to soar,

I know that,
Everything will be alright,

And I'll find my way,
Back to the shore.

© Catherine S. Pariño. 2023. All Rights Reserved