


Breathe, keep it together so nobody has to know,
Of the emotions that fight me daily, no I can't show,
Because then I'll be seen as a burden, unlovable, annoying,
It's not my fault I'm like this, it just comes at times with no warning,
It grips me, depression holding me tightly, I can't escape,
"Tell no one of your struggles " and I listen to the pain,
With a sinking feeling, I know what awaits me is death,
My life so damn empty, so of course, what did I expect?,
Damn it, I fought so hard, so why am I like this? why does it win?,
Why won't it just let me be happy?, let me allow anyone in?,
"Because you're unworthy", and I belive it you see,
Depression has a point, no one really cares about me,
And that hurts a lot more than I thought it would, damn I'm a sucker,
Just always wanted to be enough, but I will be alone forever,
Gosh, I really hate this, when I turn upon myself,
When the thoughts are consuming and there's no one to help,
But that's my life, so I'll bury it so deep next time,
Cover my heart in numbness, so that the pain stays inside.

© C.Wynter