

All the Time We Had
This heart is empty
Now that I am away from you
Once again
I am empty
As if a shovel had dug inside my chest
Taking away each trace of you
Leaving nothing behind

But a speck

How merciless..
As if I was a cave of jewels
Abundant with sparkly diamonds
Enough for everyone to share
How quaint..
As if..

How convenient..
All it did was prove my pettiness
As I claw my mind
To find..

.. You?

My dear
The moment your sun sets
Mine had sunken to the depths of the sea
And I know
Your sun is forever

I am now lingering, my dear,
in the middle of the night
As I wonder
As I ponder
When is it?

The time where we meet again?

Maybe there is time for everything
But all I know
I should've been satisfied
with all the time we had

So here I stay
In the dark
Dismissing my unwelcome dissatisfaction
Wishing you well
For the next time we meet

© altairsolaris