

Unspoken Desire ❤️
I've thought about you, with all the right things, I'd like to say,
Yet when before you, the words always got in the way.

Then deep within the depths of my heart, as feelings bloom and sway,
I feel a symphony of emotions, always in the shades of gray,
Yet there's a fire burning, longing to express, or somehow convey,
But when I moved my lips, the words got in the way.

Then in the silence between us, where echoes seem to play,
With unspoken desires, in the shadows, they idly lay,
Just yearning to break free, to find the light of day,
Yet in my mind, they form and twist, like butterflies trapped within a mist, and the words got in the way.

Although with every glance, I hope a story they portray,
About a tale of love, just like a silent ballet,
Seeking to reveal, and to tactfully convey,
But then in the ebbs and flow of life, the words got in the way.

And although I'm in the warmth of your touch, where passions stray,
With desires aflame, yet my mind's in complete disarray.
Cause, I'm burning to declare, or to boldly explain,
All I feel for you, but during each pause, the words got in the way.

Even in the stillness of night, where dreams hold sway,
And I feel whispers of longing, beneath the moon's soft ray,
While I yearn to reach out, hoping that it's okay,
Yet I feel restricted, as nerves weakened and the words got in the way.

Just beneath the rhythm of our love, where hearts entwine and play,
With expressions of devotion, there in every display,
I've found that aching to declare, and to forever stay,
But then emotions ran too deep, and the words got in the way.

Athough in the end, it's not what we do or say,
But it's about the love that binds us, comes what may,
In every moment, and in every sway,
Whether or not, the words got in the way!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo