

My Take on Life

Life is a blessing and a gift.
I consider myself a walking miracle, as there are countless things I feel, experience and understand that are unique only to me.

Mere words cannot explain the meaning of life.
It is not of a fixed design, nor is it out there in the atmosphere. It’s in our hearts, laid bare.
It’s in the friendships and relationships that we make because we care.

Life it’s in compassion and kindness that we show and give.
It’s in the love we share without prejudice or judgment as we strive to give others a break.

Life is that flicker of hope that we light and leave behind as we forge through our journey while desperately trying to keep our feet firmly on the ground.

It’s in the moments of laughter and tears of joy that you hear some of the most beautiful sounds.

Life is a challenge to oneself,
to overcome, adapt and change while giving it your all.
It’s to see what you can accomplish, be it great or small,
Life is truly about what you can deliver,
And not about how much you can take or accumulate.

So, with love in our hearts, sweet words on our tongues, and a smile on our lips, let’s make the miles count as we travel through this ever-changing world.

By Zyrool