

Bribery love.
Oh,"Bribery Love."

In a world where hearts are bought and sold,
Where love is traded like treasures of gold,
There lies a tale of bribery's hold,
A story of love, both bitter and bold.

Once upon a time, in a city of deceit,
Lived two souls, their hearts incomplete.
One was a charmer, with pockets of gold,
The other a dreamer, with a heart untold.

Their paths crossed on a moonlit night,
Underneath stars shining bright.
He offered her gifts, so dazzling and grand,
She fell for his charm, like grains of sand.

But behind the facade of glitter and shine,
Lay a love that was far from divine.
For his heart was cold, filled with greed,
And her heart yearned for love, indeed.

He showered her with riches and fame,
But her heart still felt empty, aching with pain.
She longed for a love that money couldn't buy,
A love that would make her soul truly fly.

As days turned to months, and months to years,
Their love story unfolded, filled with tears.
The more he bribed her, the more she craved,
A love that was pure, a love that would save.

But one fateful day, the truth was revealed,
His bribes and lies, no longer concealed.
She saw through his charm, his deceitful ways,
And decided to break free from his shallow maze.

With courage in her heart, she walked away,
Leaving behind a love that had gone astray.
She realized that true love can't be bought,
And that bribery's grip can never be sought.

In the end, she found a love so true,
A love that was genuine, honest, and new.
For in the depths of her heart, she had learned,
That love cannot be bribed, it must be earned.

So let this tale be a lesson to all,
That bribery's love will surely fall.
True love is priceless, it can't be bought,
For it's built on trust, and cannot be caught.