

III. The Eccedentesiast
Some had asked me how I manage to laugh
In times of pain and drudgery,
Of heartaches and poverty,
Of death and despondency,
If I would ever take things seriously
What is it that I spit words recklessly?
This mouth of mine untethered -
You should see me dull and reserved,
You should see me disingenuously friendly,
You should see me blasé and haughty,
You should see me as a braggadocio,
You should see me giving fellatio
Then you would know ...
But I won't
Let you see me do all those shit,
Instead, I draw lines on my face,
See me sometimes put an act
So I can get through this and that.
I don't have false teeth nor pearly whites
But I'll gladly smile
If it makes things worthwhile.

To master its art form takes time -
It's easier when you start at clicking designs
Play the game, and abandon the realist
In me just so I can be, for a day, an optimist.

It's true, I am at times insouciant,
I said why not - we're all on this boat and no one's gonna make it out alive;
Stir your oars,
Wend weary channels
Or let yourself drown if you're damn sick of it.
I'll laugh everything off
Everything that doesn't help me to ease my passage,
I'll find humor on things that have nary a message,
In death, in Mel, in Rivers or in Aristophanes,
One of few moments that I don't have to be noetic.



I. The Melancholiac
II. The Satyr
III. The Eccedentesiast
IV. The Noetic

© ajyoyama