

In the heavens above, an angel resides
Her wings shining bright, her halo a guide
But deep in her heart, a darkness does dwell
A demon lurking, waiting to rebel

She wanders the skies with a heavy heart
Knowing the truth, she must depart
For beauty is not always pure and true
It can hide a darkness, waiting to ensue

She whispers to the stars, her worries untold
Afraid that her darkness will soon unfold
Like Lucifer before her, she fears the fall
From angelic grace to demon's call

She sees the same in humans below
Their beauty a mask, their darkness aglow
They too are vulnerable, just like her
To the temptations that Lucifer did incur

For beauty is two faced, a double-edged sword
One side angelic, the other abhorred
It's up to us to choose our fate
To embrace the light or succumb to hate

So let us be wary, let us be wise
To the demons that within us lies
For like the angel, we too must decide
Which side to join, where our loyalties reside

So heed the angel's warning, her message clear
Choose the light, let go of fear
For beauty may be two faced, but in the end
It's up to us to choose, to angels ascend.
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