

Through the broken screen
We met on the internet, Texts and our sighs,
A couple of photos, a glimpse of my lies.
She saw through the smile, the one I held tight,
Asked what was wrong, beneath the dim light.

With tears in my eyes, the words I did write,
Alone in my bed, hidden from sight.
Broken and lost, a sad anomaly,
My mind is quite broken, unhinged, you see.

Deep in the darkness, the weeks turned to grey,
The first day cuts deep, like a wound that won't stray.
The second leaves bruises, a painful display,
The third day I wish I could simply fade away.

The fourth brings confusion, lost in the fog,
The fifth and the sixth, I don't give a damn,
But the seventh circles, a cruel, haunting Nightmares,
And the cycle repeats, with no happy end.

Scared I might scare her, with words dipped in pain,
Went days with no reply, hope turning to rain,
Turned all silent with gentle eyes.
At the end all I wish is to ,
sleep .
© ͲᏀㅤJᴇғғʀɪɴㅤ☯