

Mentally Erased (Revised)
My heart breaks every time I hear your name,
But the embers of flame ignite when I see your face.
The conflicting emotions within me collide,
As I yearn for your love but fear your pride.

I long for our souls to become intertwined,
But the harshness in your words leaves me confined.
The pain lingers, time fails to erase,
Leaving me in a never-ending maze.

I believed our relationship was meant to be,
But your darkness surprises me with negativity.
Your eyes, once a window to your soul,
Now reflect a shattered, broken goal.

I thought you were my saving grace,
But mentally I feel like I've been erased.
The uncertainty of our future weighs heavy on my chest,
Leaving me with a sense of unrest.

Yet still, I can't help but feel the pull,
The magnetic force that makes my heart full.
Despite the pain and the tears shed,
I can't deny the feelings in my head.

So I'll continue to hold onto hope,
That one day we'll find a way to cope.
Through the heartbreak and the strain,
I'll always long to hear your name.

© Words Of Anthrax