

The Dark Corners... of Whom??
In shadows deep, a tempest brews,
A fire unquenched, a rage that stews.
I am the storm, the lightning's kiss,
The clenched fist, the abyss.
When silence breaks, my fury roars,
A symphony of shattered doors.
Beware, for wrath wears many masks,
And vengeance dances in the dusk.

In vaults of gold, my heart resides,
A dragon's hoard, where longing hides.
I crave the stars, the moon's embrace,
Yet never sate, I chase the trace.
I am the hunger, the insatiable void,
Counting coins, my soul destroyed.
For wealth, I'd sell my very breath,
But riches mock me in their death.

I lounge in shadows, draped in dusk,
A lethargy that veils my trust.
The clock ticks slow, the world spins by,
Yet I remain, unmoved, awry.
Dreams slip through fingers, like sand,
As sloth's embrace numbs every gland.
I am inertia, the silent decay,
A moth entangled in its own gray.

Behold the mirror, polished bright,
Where vanity and ego take their flight.
I strut, adorned in self-made crowns,
A peacock's plumage, my renown.
I am the sun, the center stage,
A soliloquy of grandiose rage.
But pride, oh pride, a fragile glass,
Shatters when truth reveals its mass.

Desire drips like honeyed wine,
A fevered ache, a twisted vine.
I hunger for skin, for whispered sin,
The taste of forbidden fruit within.
In tangled sheets, I lose my name,
Lust's wildfire consumes my shame.
Yet pleasure fades, leaves hollow trails,
And love, elusive, slips through veils.

I watch their lives, a silent spy,
Green-eyed whispers, venomous sigh.
Their laughter echoes, a distant chime,
While I collect shards of borrowed time.
I am the echo, the covetous gaze,
Counting blessings, lost in maze.
Envy's poison seeps through veins,
A mirror cracked, reflecting pains.

Feast upon feast, I gorge and swallow,
A bottomless pit, a hunger to follow.
Food, drink, and excess collide,
As gluttony devours joy and pride.
I am the banquet, the voracious maw,
Chasing pleasure, ignoring law.
But in this feast, a gnawing ache,
For fullness never quenches the ache.

These whispered secrets, woven into the souls of all. Each a mirror reflecting our frailties, our humanity. May these verses linger, haunting and thought-provoking, as we navigate the labyrinth of our desires.
Forgive any stumbling, for innocence walks hand in hand with curiosity. Given a prompt to be written upon and mann it was tough! Finished it at last and now posting after a month!! Phewwww 😮‍💨

Did you guess what's the poem about yet ehh!?

© bearwolf101