

so tell me again
I've been feeling a certain way
I can't quite explain it
but I know that you know exactly what I'm saying

so tell me again
tell me I'm over reacting
tell me I'm lacking
tell me I can do better,
I just need to push through the weather
I've heard it all before
your arrogant implores
to be the girl that you want more
ugh, tell me again
tell me youre my dearest friend
tell me you love me
and then
dismiss my feelings all over again
tell me my friend
tell me that it's all pretend
it's all in my head and I am the one causing this shit
tell me again!
tell me
tell me it needs to end
tell me what to do how to do it and then
tell me a-fucken-gain
tell me how to breath
since I'm stupid
you see I remember you telling me
tell me again
I'm a stupid woman
and tell me again
that I have done worse it is me who offends
tell me again
tell me how to speak
because I am not good enough without a script to read
tell me again
of how worthless I am
you know I need to hear it
at least that's how it seems
since you tell me again
© Jada E. Clark