

plano failed SeMarion.
“america” is so swift to defend the abusive,
“old fashioned”, or “making it great again” -
they like to call it -
never owning the generational curse of
being an ignoramus, a racist -

seldom will you see these people
condone, or even show simple concern -
for the fate or future of the abused

to allow something being forced -
down a thirteen year old’s esophagus
let alone a fluid from someone elsewhere?

no real consequences - years later,
haggard middle school’s students -
“asher ” “michael ”
and “jacob ” -
only got ms. cole’s scolding?

where’s the youth detention center
hate-crime charges for these three
pussy ass “cry, n****r, cry”
plano’s finest powdery white
—only, thirteen year olds?
these sadistic children need some
‘psychiatric holding’ -
don’t know why y’all gotta sweep that
part under the rug,
and can’t own it

the same snowflakes who made that call -
are the very minds who defend dismissing
the ‘rules and regs’ of their beloved
second amendment
believing it’s alright for these people to
forget all sense and pull a trigger
before only realizing the fear came from
the fact that ‘he was a n****r’
—place the blame on mental health -
just briefly institutionalize the crackers?

for they only acted out of fear
due to the minuscule difference -
the glowing gift or being blessed with
gorgeous genes,
the abundance of melanin.

© a.Soul


#semarionhumphrey #plano #texas #BLM #Blacklivesmatter #justice #poetry #melanin #sad #heartbroken

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