

When I get to Heaven
were did he focus his eyes,
perhaps on the most scenic view in heaven,
maybe he sat by the river banks;
fresh water flowing, birds humming and plants blooming,

when God created you I can't imagine,
how many prototypes of you he made,
to create a being as perfect as you,
took him two thousand & three years,

a graphite pencil in his favorite hand;
angels watched in awe when he drew you,
he pinpointed each and every detail,
no flaws nor errors; he made you a scarless,

diamond eyes brighter than sunshine,
your teeth as perfect as the galaxy
and a face beautiful like a shooting star,
when I see you all my wishes come true,

he must have created you on a Sunday;
you alone turn my dark days into sun days;
your voice sweeter than hymns by ah songbird,
you flourishes like a flower on a river bank

not even your shadow can replicate your figure;
your skins glow like you were moulded from Gold not clay,
perhaps God mistakenly sent an Angel among men,

this i pray; for everything I have done right,
when I finally die and stand judged;
i will plead for nothing but to shake his hand;
just his right hand for creating you for me.

© glayvin