

A Safe Place

The sun rises and sets everyday,
A broken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectations,
and loss of ambition,
Expecting more light,
While fighting the darkness,
Waiting for your person to come and set you free,
Free from this life of unending suffering and anquish,
How do you break down the wall you built?
The wall that makes you feel safe like it’s a sanctuary,
To feel loved and desired,
Is this just a daydream of hopelessness?
To feel the darkness fading away?
No more tears, worries or fears?
Waiting for this sun to rise,
Take me away from this dark place,
Out of the shadows and murkiness,
To feel no more gloom and despair,
To finally see the light within me,
A safe place where I can feel free,
A place where I can finally be me,
Oh how I hope that one day you can release this torment I suffer from,
A place where I am beautifully me,
No more tears of unworthiness,
Never to feel alone again,
A safe place for you and me.

© RoseJenkins