

I can’t picture a life without problems,
They inspire us to work hard and learn.
We will all suffer this process,
No matter how much we avoid it.
Imagine a life full of ranibows and unicorn
Wouldn't you be bored?
People say that end goal of our life is to be happy
But what's exactly happiness?
How do we define happiness?
How will you tell an alien what's happiness?
Imagine you have always been happy
Imagine you never experienced pain, greif and betrayal.
Would you be grateful for that happiness?
Will you be able to even acknowledge that happiness

Problems are what makes life interesting.
The journey is what makes us human.
The ups and downs.
There will be days you might feel like giving up.
Then you learn to get up on your own.
Get up and do something incredible.
That's the motivation.

© Prachi