

man up
Why do we always toll boys to man up?
Are they not allowed to have emotions?
Are they not allowed to fall & stumble like everyone else?
Why do they have to hold their pain?

Why are they not allowed to shed tears,
and forced to hide their emotional selves far away?
In this apparent world of so called equality
voices are constantly silenced.

They have to carry the world on their shoulders
Even when it feels like their backs are breaking.
Yet us women gets to share that weight
Without judgement knocking them down a size.

But if our men dare show any emotion,
If they dare to let their walls come down,
If their eyes water in a public place
Everyone thinks it's because they are weak.
You know what, I don't want my man or son to man up.
No, I want them to be able to speak out
Even if the world don't want to listen.
That crying in the crowd is not always a bad thing.
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