

Magpies and I
So many Magpies do I see,
I'm glancing over at them, when I bump into a bee.
Luckily I have not been stung,
I check my phone to see, that it had rung,
It turned out to be my mum,
How could I have been so dum.
Now I'm late, one of my worse traits,
Luckily it's not any important dates.

On my journey I see some more,
Man, am I sounding like a bore.
Now I can hear all the yelling,
At the market, of what their selling.
There's nothing for me,
So I buy myself a cup of tea.
Hurrying on to my destination,
Ignoring the chocolate stall temptation.

Now I'm here, I could use a beer,
As their greeting me with a cheer.
Everything seems to be well here,
Everyone wanted me here, that was very clear.
Now it's time to leave,
This outing was very brief.
I have a lot of things to do,
Brandy's tagging a long too.

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