

Acid vs Water
⚠️⚠️Trigger warning
A few days ago the mirror looked beautiful,
Eyes sparkling with happiness, smile so genuine so true.
No worries of the odds of this world,
No complaints no curses.

Now I sit below the same roof,
The mirror hasn't changed.
What has changed is the hatred in my heart for this world's dwellers.

Yes my face is burned , yes it's red and swollen.
My eyes can't see the daylight because a hypocrite didn't know
The difference between acid and water.
Yes I won't call him a monster because monsters don't show care at first.

He sprayed it on me as if I was a doll ,
Those fumes still burning through my flesh.
He thought destroying my body will end my life,
But what he will never know that my light is from within.

My soul is proud , my head held high.
I may not be able to see the destruction
But I am happy he wasn't able to destroy me from the inside.
I am a wall of glory, not a picture he can just keep aside.

I am not a Victim, I am a warrior.
My face is my scar of victory,
To show I have won this battle of dominance.

___the beginning____

© Frozen Words