

The old are not to be blamed, The young are to make a change.
Why let the old be in charge you lazy bones?.
Why are you still in your shell like a snail?. You have become a toggle switch for the old using you anytime needed rather than using your transcendental and young sensitive brains to bring fresh innovative ideas into the world.
Why is your presence not found among the honoured young Turks?. You behave like yokels and not educated people with high intelligence quotient. When tragedy strikes, not knowing what to do, the old in charge profligates and cool the storm for sometime. But there are young and perennial generations when corporated and work together can change the future of the universe.

Youngsters, you are the tram way into a successful future. The old are wistful, fusty and always fuss pots, unaware of the most challenging issues happening around. They only think of how to improve oneself. They are already closer to their finish line in this life race. Waiting to cross the finishing line and their chapters will be closed.

But you are young, agile, strong like the green leaves among the dried ones. When the wind blows, it swipes away the fainted and unnurished ones but lives the fresh and active ones. So are you among the old. Stop spending your whole life enjoying your youthful exerberance. You are needed adhere to the call. Come out of your hidden shell and make a difference in the world.

The old are not to be blamed, the young can make a big change.

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