

Coldness of Goodness
In lands covered with the ethereal beauty of my dreams.
I saw a dove descend, blurry as the land is from afar.
I see her, among the olives and the honey flowing falls,
someone I could not vividly imagine to be real,
hopping in zeal like one among the gazelles,
her wavy hair sailing through the air like a thousand
waterfalls levitating into heavens.

Like one destined to drown, I wanted to fly before
atention sought me out.
Albeit she was bogging me into something, I could not comprehend.
The feeling of abyss had swept and the depths have reserved 
my soul, this land was a fiery temptation, a deadly deviation.

I was the screeching noise of death, you hear at night, 
the eerie void that existed to desist existence, 
yet I wanted to dive in and cleanse my heart of sin,
It was not love nor faith or the will to live holding me back,
it was the faintest of light, a desire to stride,
a wish to not be the bitch I was,
for once, poetic justice was all I deserved but to be seen in the coldness of goodness once was worth it all.
© Josh D

#poetizer #writco #boring
I really really miss poetizer 🤣