

My Story Told
Today I am one years old.
A brand new life in the world.

Now I am three.
Sitting on stage with Chucky Cheese.

Already four years have passed.
In the kitchen thinking that these years will be my last.

Six years have now been had.
Who knew being beautiful would be so bad.

I am now eight.
But by now it's already too late.

Surprisingly I have made it to ten.
Trying my best to make and keep friends.

By now I've made it to twelve.
By now I've learned trust no one but myself.

I've made it to fourteen without alarm.
Because no one notices the scars on my arm.

Seventeen arrives right on time.
The extent of my childhood crawls through me like slime.

With twenty-one now here,
It only confirms what I already fear.

It's crazy that I've made it to twenty-five.
Yet sad to know that I hate being alive.

Twenty-eight was just last year.
And twenty-nine is already here.

With acceptance weighing heavy on my heart,
I figure this is a pretty good place to start.